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بخش TestNet Quiz با 14 سوال در مورد تست نت

TestNet Quiz 1.

What phase of development is eesee currently preparing for? Alpha testing

TestNet Quiz 2

What does being on eesee’s whitelist signify? گزینه سوم exclusive …

TestNet Quiz 3.💎

How can new users secure a spot on eesee’s whitelist? جواب : join our Discord server, immerse yourself in the eesee community, and ensure you’re consistently active and following the steps explained in 📰How-to-get-wl channel.

TestNet Quiz 4.💎

What does being on eesee’s whitelist offer to users? گزینه یک early access …

TestNet Quiz 5.💎

How can you apply for Alpha Testing of eesee’s platform if you’re not on the whitelist? گزینه دوم

TestNet Quiz 6.💎

What can increase your chances of being selected for Alpha Testing? جواب stay active

TestNet Quiz 7.💎

How can you potentially jump the queue for Alpha Testing? جواب Referrals

TestNet Quiz 8.💎

What advantage do Alpha Testers of eesee’s platform gain? پاسخ ALL OF ABOVE

TestNet Quiz 9.💎

How are Alpha Testers rewarded for their contributions to eesee’s platform? پاسخ ESE TOKENS

TestNet Quiz 10.💎

What do Alpha Testers receive as a token of appreciation for their dedication to eesee’s platform? پاسخ گزینه سوم

TestNet Quiz 11.💎

What does eesee expect from its testers regarding their interactions with the platform? گزینه سوم هر دو

TestNet Quiz 12.💎

Why is regular use of the eesee platform important for its optimization and advancement? گزینه سوم

TestNet Quiz 13.💎

How can you stay updated about eesee’s testing phases and plan changes? پاسخ گزینه دوم توییتر و دیسکورد

TestNet Quiz 14.💎

What does participating in eesee’s testing phases offer you? گزینه سوم

بخش NFT Quiz با 100 سوال در مورد NFT

NFT Quiz 1. 💎
What makes an NFT unique and non-fungible? گزینه دوم

NFT Quiz 2. 💎
What are NFTs used for? گزینه دوم

Which blockchain technology is most commonly used to create NFTs? اتریوم

All NFTs are completely unique.  خیر اشتباه

What types of assets can be presented by an NFT? همه موارد

What role do smart contracts play in NFT transactions? گزینه سوم facilities

You should own the rights to any asset that you want to turn into an NFT. صحیح

How are NFTs different from cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin or Ethereum? گزینه سوم

What is the most expensive NFT ever sold? گزینه سوم

What are CryptoPunks? گزینه سوم

All NFTs are extremely valuable. گزینه false

What is an NFT platform? گزینه دوم

What do you need to buy an NFT? گزینه سوم

Ethereum is currently the only blockchain that supports NFTs گزینه false

In which areas are NFTs most often used? گزینه PTE

OpenSea is the biggest NFT-marketplace گزینه true

Does NFT listing on OpenSea require a gas fee? گزینه YES

In what year did the first NFT-token appear? 2015

Which market is more volatile? nft market

How many people were in the team of BoredApeYachtClub’s creators? 4

McDonald’s has its own NFT tokens. true

The USA government has its own NFT collection. false

Quentin Tarantino released the NFT script of the film. true

Which of the above is the most popular NFT game? axie

Nft can’t be held on MetaMask. false

DeFi and NFT are the same things. false

Binance has its own NFT market. true

What does “NFT mint” mean? گزینه یک

Which NFT project pays users for a run? stepin


NFT can’t contain a video sequence. false

NFT can’t contain transaction history. false

Select an incorrect statement: گزینه دوم

How does NFTs work?  گزینه یک

Can your selfie be converted into NFT?  بله

Who created NFTs?  kevin mccoy

What does non-fungible mean? unique

How much does it cost to mint an NFT?  گزینه سوم همه موارد

What are the risks associated with NFTs? همه موارد

NFTs are a type of cryptocurrency. غلط

Which was the first ever NFT movie to hit the market?  dragon man

NFT can be exchanged with certain cryptocurrencies. غلط

The stock exchange affects the price of NFTs. غلط

Which of the above can’t be called “NFT trading platform”? گزینه دوم

Which NFT is the most expensive of the sold? merge

What happened to the btc price after Blackrock applied for ETH registration? گزینه اول

Select an incorrect statement. گزینه سوم

ETH switched to PoV after The Merge غلط

What does “HODL” mean? گزینه یک


seed phrase

What is the name of Elon Musk’s dog? floki

Which token is called “digital gold”? btc

Will Bitcoin reach $100,000? yes

Which of the above is not NFT? coinbase

Which of the above is not NFT? defi

Which of the above is not NFT? گزینه دوم

human one

Which of the above is not NFT? BSC

You can store NFT on decentralized wallets. true

Which of the above is the largest NFT trading platform? opensea

Which of the above can’t be called “NFT trading platform”? uniswap

Which of the above can’t be called “NFT trading platform”? binancenft

Beeple’s NFT artwork sold for $69 million, challenging traditional art markets.  true

What’s the main characteristic of an NFT? گزینه سوم

NFTs can incorporate smart contracts that enable self-executing actions. This means an NFT could change in response to certain conditions, like granting access to a virtual event after a certain date. صحیح

Jack Dorsey’s first tweet was turned into an NFT and sold for $2.9 million. صحیح

Which artwork was sold as an NFT for a whopping $69 million? گزینه سوم

The “Rare Pepe” meme became one of the earliest NFTs, proving that even internet memes can have value. صحیح

What’s the value of the rarest NFT pet? گزینه سوم

Virtual Fashion: NFTs have entered the fashion world, allowing users to buy, sell, and wear virtual outfits in digital spaces. صحیح

How do NFTs help digital artists? گزینه سوم

Historic Artifacts: Digital versions of historic artifacts, like the first internet meme “Nyan Cat,” have been turned into NFTs. صحیح

Which animal became an NFT sensation? گربه

Dynamic NFTs: Some NFTs can change over time based on real-world events, giving them a dynamic and evolving nature. صحیح

Which of the above is not NFT? coinbase

You can store nft on decentralized wallets. صحیح

Which of the above is not NFT? defi

The company Merriam-Webster, which produces lexical dictionaries and reference books, put up a definition of the word NFT for the OpenSea NFT crypto auction. true

Which of the above is not NFT? گزینه دوم

The creator of the World Wide Web, Sir Tim Berners-Lee, sold the source code of the Internet in the form of NFTs to an unknown buyer through Sotheby’s auction house. صحیح

Which of the above is NFT? گزینه دوم

 For International Friendship Day 2021, Coca-cola launches its first NFT collection گزینه یک

Which of the above is not NFT? BSC

Twitter founder Jack Dorsey’s first ever tweet has been sold for the equivalent of $2.9m as NFT صحیح

Which of the following industries are involved with NFTs? همه موارد


You should own the rights to any asset that you want to turn into an NFT. صحیح

What is an NFT platform? گزینه دوم

What are CryptoPunks? گزینه سوم

گزینه سوم

همه موارد

All NFTs are extremely valuable. غلط

جواب های چالش 🟢1. Website Quiz در zealy که حدود 47 تا سوال هستش

What Benefits Will You Get When You Subscribe? همه موارد

How Many Users Have Already Joined the Whitelist? 50 هزار

What is the primary role of the Eesee Marketplace? گزینه دوم

What is the main focus of Eesee platform? گزینه دوم

What benefits do buyers and sellers receive from the NFT Marketplace’s ticketed sales system? گزینه دوم


Why are high prices and technical barriers mentioned as issues in blockchain projects? گزینه سوم

What unique trading mechanics does the Eesee Marketplace introduce? گزینه سوم

What does the Eesee Marketplace aim to do regarding demand and sales of digital assets? گزینه دوم

How does the Eesee Marketplace address the cost barriers associated with entering the NFT and web3 world? گزینه سوم


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